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Colloquium 2007:
“Youth – Challenges for the young generation in tomorrow’s world”


Keynote speaker 1: Dr. Ursula von der Leyen “Freedom of choice and equal opportunities – challenges for youth policy in tomorrow’s world”,

Keynote speaker 2: Prof. Dr. Alexander J.B. Zehnder “Youth in a Globalized World – Which Values, Which Opportunities, At What Price” (in German)


Working Group I: Profile of Modern Society (President: Dr. Thomas Held),

Working Group II: Education (President: Prof. Dr. Ernst Buschor),

Working Group III: Career prospects for young people (President: Dr. Peter Hasler),

Working Group IV: Values and role models of youth (President: NR Pascale Bruderer),

Working Group V: The Youth and the Question of Violence (President: Prof. Dr. phil. Allan Guggenbühl),

Working Group VI: The Integration of Young People into Society (President: Prof. Dr. Phil. Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello)