Presentations by
- Mathias Binswanger “Is man disappearing in the digital economy?”
- Daniel Brühlmeier “Social Networks”
- Kaspar Etter “Artificial Intelligence”
- Ursula Fraefel “Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality: The Next Big Thing?”
- Johann Gevers “The Digitization of Finance – How CryptoFinance will transform the world”
- Servan Grüninger “Big Data”
- Eduard Kaeser “Digitization – is man being rebuilt?”
- Olivier Kessler “Robotics”
- Marco Romano “The unknown treasure.”
Essay by Rudolf Walser to the colloquium as well as references to developments of “Digitisation and Law” by Rainer J. Schweizer.
Dossier ‘Schweizer Monat’, Topic: “Und der Mensch schuf sich ein Ebenbild…”, published October 2017