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Colloquium 2003:
“Democracy – The State of the Future?”


Keynote speaker 1: Prof. René Rhinow “Current Challenges of Democracy – Dwindling System Trust”,

Keynote speaker 2: Prof. Wladyslaw Bartozweski “From the experiences of a contemporary witness. From Communist Dictatorship to Modern Democracy”,

Keynote speaker 3: Prof. Timirziou Diallo “Democracy and Intercultural Learning. Problems and solutions in Africa”.


Working Group I Innovations in the political process: new forms of citizen participation (President: Claude Longchamp),

Working Group II: The Mediocracy (President: Prof. Kurt Imohof),

Working Group III: Globalisation as a Challenge to Democracy (President: NR Andreas Gross),

Working Group IV: Democracy and Culture (President: Ambassador Walter Fust),

Working Group V: Economic Democracy (President: Council of States Vreni Spoerry)